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Bătuța Quarry

Bătuța Quarry

The stone quarry in Bătuța town, Arad county, had its beginnings in 1980, Luscan company starting its operation in 2012. Being in a stage not very favorable for efficient exploitation in safe conditions, it was a real challenge for our company that, under the coordination of the head of the quarry, geological engineer Giuseppe Mobilia, Bătuța Quarry will become, in just a few years, one of the largest stone quarries in Romania, respecting the highest standards of safety and environmental protection. In 2017, it was decided to purchase it, Luscan company becoming the owner of the Bătuța stone quarry.

Completed projects where the Batuța Quarry was the main supplier of aggregates:

  • Nadlac – Arad highway section built by Max Boegl – Astaldi
  • Lugoj – Timișoara highway section built by Tirrena Scavi
  • Sibiu – Saliste highway section built by Astaldi - Euroconstruct
  • Vintu – Simeria railway section built by Swietelsky
  • Curtici – Arad railway section built by Swietelsky – Astaldi

(Bătuța Quarry was the only supplier of aggregates that had the quality and production capacity necessary for this project)

From the end of 2012, which represents the beginning of our career activity, and until now, more than 8 million tons of mineral aggregates have been produced and sold, used for the largest road and railway construction projects in the west of the country.

The material falls into category A, and the laboratory tests performed for abrasion resistance (Los Angeles test) always resulted in values ​​below 13% according to UNI SR EN 13450, and below 16% according to UNI SR EN 1097-2.

Ongoing projects where Bătuța Quarry is the main supplier of aggregates:

  • Pan-European Corridor 4 railway – Arad-Ilia – Lot 2A, Lot 2B – over 5 million tons over a period of 4 years – client: WEBUILD- JV FCC Construction
  • Pan-European Corridor 4 railway – Gura Sada-Simeria – Lot 3 – over 750,000 tons over a period of 4 years – Client: JV FCC Construction – WEBUILD
  • National and county road rehabilitation works, Arad and Timis counties - Client: PORR Construct
  • Aggregates for asphalt mixtures - Client: Sorocam
  • Aggregates for concrete production - Client Holcim

The Batuța quarry benefits of access to the CFR loading platform in the Batuța train station, opposite the quarry (existing contract with the CFR)

Following the acquisition of the quarry, since 2017, our company has made massive investments in newer and much performant equipment and machinery, in order to obtain high-quality products with high efficiency and productivity. At the moment the quarry is equipped with 3 production lines, 5 excavators, 4 front loaders, 5 rigid dumpers 10x4/10x6 and 2 articulated dumpers.

The respect and protection of the environment has always been considered mandatory, and thanks to the upgrading of the quarry with newer and much performant equipment and machinery, a massive reduction of CO2 emissions has been achieved. For the transport of the raw material from the exploitation areas to the primary crusher, it was decided to use 5 Volvo 10x4/10x6 rigid dumpers, these trucks having the Euro6 pollution standard. They replaced the old articulated dumper trucks, resulting in a reduction in consumption by 4 times per ton transported, and reducing the CO2 emissions by more than 10 times per ton transported.

The quality of the products and services, being one of our fundamental values, we paid special attention to complying with European quality standards, our company being accredited SR ISO 9001:2008, ISO14001:2004, SR ISO OHSOS 18001:2007.

The production control at the work points is carried out in accordance with European norms, our company also being accredited by SRAC.

This orientation facilitated the obtaining of the Railway Supplier Authorization – AFER.

This new crushing line will benefit from multiple automated systems, and will be able to produce a 50% higher volume, with a 40% lower consumption than at present, this having a positive impact on the environment. At the same time, the truck loading system will be automated, thus giving up two front loaders, which will cause a significant decrease in CO2 emissions.

In the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, it was decided to replace the current production line with a completely new one, for which the supplier Gépsystem Kft. guarantees the achievement of the following objectives:

  • reduction of dust pollution
  • reduction of sound effects
  • reducing risk and danger during production
  • increasing efficiency
  • increasing the quality of finished products

VAT no.: RO1148138
No. of order in the trade register: J10/26/09.01.1992
Unique Identifier at European Level (EUID): ROONRC.J10/26/1992


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