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National Transport

National transport

With the establishment of the company in 1992, transport represented the basic activity of the Luscan company. Over the course of the last 30 years, we have dealt with various transport applications, accumulating extensive experience in this field.

Mainly, the company handled the transport of aggregates for the big transport infrastructure construction projects in the south, east and west of Romania. The fact that our country is in a continuous development from the point of view of infrastructure, has made our company to transport over time tens of millions of tons of aggregates, mainly for our big partners such as Webuild, Colas, FCC, Strabag, Porr, Swietelsky and other major builders of highways, roads, bridges and railways.

Currently the national transport fleet counts 130 units, and by the end of the year we will add up to 170 units. All assemblies are made up of tractor + tipping semi-trailers, and serve, mainly, the transport of aggregates produced at Luscan's gravel pits and quarry.

They are located according to the transported volumes necessary to satisfy the requirements of the ongoing contracts. Mainly, the trucks are divided into two large groups, one that serves the transport of aggregates for the large projects in the west of the country, the second group that serves the transport of aggregates for the large projects in the south, east and southeast of the country.

The Luscan company encourages diversity and gender equality, so that at all levels of the company, the staff employed is represented by both men and women. The position of truck driver is no exception to this rule. Our company is proud to have professional female drivers.

Our national transport fleet consists of brand new trucks purchased from our stable partners, such as Volvo, Scania and MAN. From the desire to always offer the highest quality services, the trucks are periodically replaced, every 4 years, with new ones purchased.

The trucks comply with the highest standards of comfort, safety and low pollutant emissions. Applying this policy, we ensure that the transport carried out by Luscan trucks is done with low fuel consumption and a minimum level of noxious emissions.

All trucks are equipped with latest technology telematics systems, which facilitates the best management with maximum efficiency. Transport planning is established by our dispatchers, who ensure that the goods reach our collaborators every time, according to their requirements. Fuel consumption and nox emissions are followed in detail by our colleagues from the fuel control department, in this way we are always sure of obtaining

the lowest values ​​of fuel consumption, with the lowest level of CO2 emissions..

The Luscan company has always represented an example of efficiency and seriousness in all the fields practiced, and implicitly also in transport, this motivates our suppliers of trucks and equipments to provide us, in tests, their newest products.

Being always interested in the protection of the environment, currently, together with our partners from Volvo, we decided to test an electric truck, to find the ideal application in our transport fields, and in the future we will consider the purchase of electric trucks with zero impact on environmental pollution.

Having a vast experience of over 30 years in the field of transport, our company is always ready to accept new challenges in this field, and not only, always ensuring the highest quality services.

VAT no.: RO1148138
No. of order in the trade register: J10/26/09.01.1992
Unique Identifier at European Level (EUID): ROONRC.J10/26/1992


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